27/1 再認識了另一個香港女孩子Isabel,不過她也是今天離開紐西蘭。我便送她們到airbus
station. 中午邱先生帶我和他的家人到North shore的商場逛逛,午餐後再到士多啤梨園摘草莓。現在已經是採摘士多啤梨的尾聲時份,所以只要NZ$5便有1KG!園主是為了不想浪費才讓人進園內摘果。我們摘了很多又大又甜的草莓。下午邱太她的女兒帶我到附近的沙灘逛,晚上在他家附近再在他家BBQ。他說這便是典型的紐西蘭人生活。我覺得這裡真是個退休的好地方!
28/1 Today is Auckland's anniversary, another public holiday. So I can't open the bank account or ask for my IRD number (the tax no I need to get before starting to work here). I'm rather free in here so just walking around the streets in the CBD. The weather is clear and hot. Interesting that the temperature seems to have great difference when u're directly under the sun or under a shade.
Today my roommates changed to another 2 girls from Taiwan. They've spent almost a year in New Zealand already and will be going home for Lunar new year next week. They've shared lots of experience with me. We'll travel together to the North Island on this Thu-Sat.
咁就好啦, 可以問佢地攞多d經驗, 會更容易找到工作和適應當地生活 ^_^ 好掛著你呀
回覆刪除[版主回覆02/20/2008 17:58:00]me too.......... miss u soooo much!
回覆刪除[版主回覆02/20/2008 17:58:00]yes i will. thanks irene~~
回覆刪除[版主回覆02/20/2008 17:59:00]yes i really enjoy visiting friends~ o your friend own a farm?! i still hadn't visit one yet. but will definitely go in the south island.