Today I've joined a free tour organized by "Stray", a tour bus company in Auckland. I've visited quite a lot of places here, and tried some potato wedges in a bar for lunch. Very tasty indeed! The food here is much expensive than in HK. It's expensive to buy things in supermarkets. But even more expensive to eat in restaurants. So I just cooked myself and didn't eat outside for these few days. Luckily the kitchen of my hostel is very well-equipped. You can find everything here including oven and baking trays! The problem is how to do with the left-over food if you didn't stay in a place for long. You can either carry them along, which is heavy, or just give them to someone else.
I've met a HK girl tonight. We've similar travelling and working plans! Really nice that we can have accompanies at last. She has bought a coach ticket to go to Hastings this Sunday. The time matched with me coz I'll return to Auckland on Sat! Great! I'll buy the ticket so we can travel together!
Today I finally called the Tax and Revenue Dept for my IRD number. I've opened a bank account in ASB as well. So everything's ready and I can start working when I reach Hastings!
I've changed hostel this morning. I'm now living in the BK Hostel. YHA International is too hot, and they've no room left neither. I've pulled all my luggage and backpack this morning up a very steep and long slope for at least 4 streets... I can't move my arms after I reached BK...
2008年1月29日 星期二
2nd and 3rd day in Auckland
I'm running out of time. Let me make everything brief~
27/1 再認識了另一個香港女孩子Isabel,不過她也是今天離開紐西蘭。我便送她們到airbus
station. 中午邱先生帶我和他的家人到North shore的商場逛逛,午餐後再到士多啤梨園摘草莓。現在已經是採摘士多啤梨的尾聲時份,所以只要NZ$5便有1KG!園主是為了不想浪費才讓人進園內摘果。我們摘了很多又大又甜的草莓。下午邱太她的女兒帶我到附近的沙灘逛,晚上在他家附近再在他家BBQ。他說這便是典型的紐西蘭人生活。我覺得這裡真是個退休的好地方!
28/1 Today is Auckland's anniversary, another public holiday. So I can't open the bank account or ask for my IRD number (the tax no I need to get before starting to work here). I'm rather free in here so just walking around the streets in the CBD. The weather is clear and hot. Interesting that the temperature seems to have great difference when u're directly under the sun or under a shade.
Today my roommates changed to another 2 girls from Taiwan. They've spent almost a year in New Zealand already and will be going home for Lunar new year next week. They've shared lots of experience with me. We'll travel together to the North Island on this Thu-Sat.
27/1 再認識了另一個香港女孩子Isabel,不過她也是今天離開紐西蘭。我便送她們到airbus
station. 中午邱先生帶我和他的家人到North shore的商場逛逛,午餐後再到士多啤梨園摘草莓。現在已經是採摘士多啤梨的尾聲時份,所以只要NZ$5便有1KG!園主是為了不想浪費才讓人進園內摘果。我們摘了很多又大又甜的草莓。下午邱太她的女兒帶我到附近的沙灘逛,晚上在他家附近再在他家BBQ。他說這便是典型的紐西蘭人生活。我覺得這裡真是個退休的好地方!
28/1 Today is Auckland's anniversary, another public holiday. So I can't open the bank account or ask for my IRD number (the tax no I need to get before starting to work here). I'm rather free in here so just walking around the streets in the CBD. The weather is clear and hot. Interesting that the temperature seems to have great difference when u're directly under the sun or under a shade.
Today my roommates changed to another 2 girls from Taiwan. They've spent almost a year in New Zealand already and will be going home for Lunar new year next week. They've shared lots of experience with me. We'll travel together to the North Island on this Thu-Sat.
2008年1月25日 星期五
26/1 下午三時左右抵達第一站 – 天朗氣清的奧克蘭市。很幸運,同事介紹了一位她居於奧克蘭市的朋友邱先生給我認識,他便來了機場接我,在車上他沿途為我介紹建築物及景點,不一會便來了我住宿的旅館YHA Auckland International。
room 實在太熱,30度的氣溫下連風扇也沒有,只有heater, 簡直有點透不過氣的感覺。幸好我睡在窗邊的上格床,但晚上還是熱得醒了幾轉…
我的同房包括一位香港女孩Michelle及一位荷蘭女孩Simona,很巧合,我今天剛到埗,Michelle明天卻要回港了,她也是參加了工作假期計劃,本打算留一年,但結果三個月便離開。不知道我可不可以堅持留一年呢?晚上我便和她一同出外逛逛,買點食物回旅店煮,再談談她這幾個月的經歷,她也跟我分享了不少經驗。真可惜,明天她便要離開了… 她還想留一些剩餘物資給我,不過我剛到埗,什麼也齊備,背包還是脹鼓鼓的,真後悔當初帶了這麼多東西…
本想今天出手提電話 SIM card, 但店舖沒有開,唯有再等。
* I wanna add some pics but maybe the PC here are too old... I can't upload any photos or type in Chinese... I just finished this with my laptop. Hope I can find another better Internet Cafe later~
2008年1月21日 星期一
因為我的紐西蘭工作假期計劃,要與一眾好友分開一年。這也是我離開家人及朋友最長的一段時間。臨別在即,阿堅及一班好友為我籌備了一個歡送會。說真的,一直很怕給人家添麻煩,也很怕成為眾人的焦點。幸好這次除了歡送我以外,還是為Irene預祝生日的大日子!二月才生日的 Irene 只顧著為我準備,怎樣也想不到一個驚喜正等待著她哩!
多謝您們送給我的兩束漂亮鮮花及traveller-set. 想不到我只是輕輕提過一次您便這麼上心!實在太窩心太實用了!未來一年它會陪著我一同到紐西蘭探險。(晚上回家洗澡後已經很累了,卻忍不住將機關逐個拆解,原來一把小小的萬用刀有 26 款功能呀!有些還是隱藏著的!!還有那小小的指南針、溫度計和小電筒,我又可以少帶幾樣東西了!)
除了禮物還有食物,先有蛙蛙特地做的泰式炆牛腩、pita bread, 鮮蝦銀針粉,還有Brioche, Carribean Desire… 晚上還有大師的帶子沙律、螺及生蠔、燒羊脾、肉醬意粉…
謝謝您們呀!堅、大師、蛙蛙、Anne, Candy, Cass, Denise, Irene, May, Tendy, Vanlily, 八八, 小三、藍藍, 烏烏, Donald, 還有一班藍色大門的好朋友!多謝您們為我和"美味DIY"所做的一切,帶給我的所有美好回憶。Cass 和堅曾說過沒有我便沒有她們,怎麼會呢?事實上,是您們對烹飪的熱誠以及對人的無私奉獻令您們走在一起的,我只是碰巧推出了這個平台而已,說起來我也覺得自己很幸運。如果當初不是您們在討論區上不厭其煩地解答著問題,大家也不會熟絡起來。還記得我們第一次大聚會時,終於見到大家盧山真面目時的驚喜嗎?最大的誤會莫過於,我一直也以為蛙蛙是女孩子!現在當我聽到您們討論著下次聚會做什麼食物、有什麼活動時,有一刻,我也有一種十分可惜的感覺。不過要得到一些東西時,不期然便要放棄另一些東西...
藍藍, Vanlily, 對不起, 不能參加您們的婚禮, 但我會在遙遠的地方送上祝福...
大師, 祝你事業更上一層樓!
堅, 多謝您為我們提供了一處舒適的聚會場地, 從您身上我學到了很多!
May, Irene, Cass, 希望您們的傷患病痛快點康復!
Tendy, 謝謝您抽空替我補鐘呀!要知道我考牌以後已經差不多四年沒有駕過車了, 這還是我第一次駕自動波車。希望沒有嚇親您啦!
Anne, 多謝您昨天教了我這麼多中菜秘技!
蛙蛙, 謝謝您和我一同買電腦呀!還有那個自製拖板~
Denise, 祝您環島行成功!您要繼續練習不要偷懶呀!
小三, 謝謝您當日找到我參加第一次聚會呢!不然我也不能在這裡渡過這麼多美好時光!
Candy, 多謝您和徐爸爸令我有機會先在香港實習摘果呀~ 想不到幾次聚會我們已差不多認識了您整家人了~
八八, 多謝您下午要返工都來歡送我呀! 我還記得您是第一批"美味DIY"的忠實fans~
烏烏, Donald, 雖然您們今天來不了, 但您們的心意我已經收到了.
烏烏, 希望您找到好工作, 和四哥早日拉埋天窗; Donald, 祝考試成功!
2008年1月9日 星期三
藍色大門聚會 (6/01/2008)
文章 (Atom)