一星期前已開始忐忑不安, 因為答應了朋友這星期日行山, 暗暗希望這次聚會要在星期六呀! 真好, 願望成真~~
熱情果、香蕉跟榛子的完美組合, 加上烘得香脆甜美的杏仁, 就成了非常好吃的 The Bamacco (Hazelnut Biscuit, Caramelized Hazelnut, Banana Creme Brulee and Passion Fruit Butter Cream)

葡萄種無花果合桃包 - 百吃不厭, 而且總是藍色大門的出品最好吃!



有鮮蝦, 冬菇及芫茜的雞包仔! 還有豆沙包~

回覆刪除d cake 好吸引呀~~~~~~~~~
回覆刪除好熱的天氣呢, 去行山好辛苦哦~~
回覆刪除嘩! 終於在這裡看到d餡了! 有我最愛吃的蝦蝦呀! 又在吞口水了!
回覆刪除堯堯, Jacky仔, 係呀, 次次去藍色大門都好多好野食! Tendy, 所以要行有樹蔭o既路線, 今次仲有水玩添~ 藍藍, 係啦, 你又唔黎! 日文考成點呢? 雞包仔除左蝦之外, 仲有豬肉, 雞肉, 冬菇, 芫茜等等, 好足料架!
回覆刪除Thanks for your message on my blog. So, you are also friend of the blue door. Have we met? I did not go to the places you mentioned. After spending a few days in Sydney, we stopped at Port Macquarie; visited a friend at New Brighton (close to Bryon Bay); spent 2 days at Surfers Paradise and the final day in Brisbane before heading back to HK. I am sure Melbourne is also a good place to go!
回覆刪除Hello Johnny! In fact, we'd met several times already - in the Blue Gate as well as in Hofex. I'm Tracy (not Nam-nam)!
回覆刪除I'd been to the Surfers Paradise too,and the Southport Spit as well, to see the sunrise this time. I love your photo taken from the balcony! Seeing the seagulls in your pictures reminded me of the time eating in the Fisherman's market...... Yes Melbourne is somehow an artistic city. I like the great variety of food there too. If you visit Melbourne next time, you should go to the Queen Victoria Market, the Royal Botanic Garden, and try the cakes in Acland Street. I'm sure you would love them!